Common Questions about Mediumship Readings
What to expect in a mediumship reading - My readings are done by Zoom video or by phone. Online readings provide every bit as clear of a connection across the veil as in person. I ask that you be in a quiet and private space with a good internet connection. I will answer any questions you may have before we begin. If a Zoom session is scheduled I do ask that you keep your video on. I ask this because it helps to create a more interactive and personal experience. I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at
Do you allow others to join me?
The reading is only for the person who has arranged the session. Please do not have anyone in the room with you such as a friend, parent, or partner. Unexpected participants not only affect the energy between all of us, but they influence who shows up from the other side. This is important because it allows the session to remain private and confidential. Furthermore, it helps to ensure that the reading and messages are clear and accurate.
Who comes through in a reading?
I cannot promise who will come through. It could be just one person or several. You may also hear from guides and unseen teachers. It is essential not to get fixated on just one person. Thankfully, we almost always connect with exactly who the sitter hopes to hear from.
At the start of the reading I will ask if there is someone you are hoping to connect with. I will do my best to reach them, but the reasons you may or may not hear from a particular spirit vary. It does not mean they don’t want to talk to you.
How much should the sitter say?
I am frequently asked how much you should say during a mediumship reading. Hard-core skeptics might be tempted to give no feedback at all. This, I have learned, will lessen the experience for all. A reading is a three-way connection between those on the other side, the medium, and you. Please do not block the flow by not saying anything. Brief responses confirm that I am interpreting the spirits message correctly. If you want to share your excitement about certain evidence that your loved ones have brings through – please do! This really adds to the energy!
I am going to do my very best for you, but I need your help to do that. Please come with an open mind and a open heart. The more open and loving your energy the easier it is for me to establish and hold the link with the other side.
What can I do before reading? How can I prepare?
Don’t come looking for a specific code word – this can take away from the evidence, healing and information the Spirit Realm wants you to know.
Take a few minutes prior to the reading to breathe, relax and get ready to enjoy the information that is being delivered.
Can I record the session?
Yes! I always suggest my clients voice record the session. Some information you receive during a reading may not be able to recognize until later. You may need to check with other family members/friends to validate the information that comes through. You may not recall the information mentioned in a reading until afterwards.